This is an introductory course in statistical data analysis

The course aims to prepare researchers to intelligently apply basic statistical methods for the purposes of empirical analysis. However, to become effective users of statistics, students must learn elementary statistical concepts and theory, and be aware of the various assumptions of the methodology. The course will consequently combine simple exposition to statistical theory with practical use of statistical modeling. The course will alternate between lectures and practical lab sessions where students are encouraged to apply the material while learning to program in the statistical software R. 


How do I learn about the things I can't observe?

Lecture: Inference 

How do I get from A to B?

Lecture: Relationships

Lecture: Regression

R Notes: Learn how to study associations in R

Aren't we missing c?

Lecture: Multiple Regression  

R Notes: Learn to do multiple regression in R

R Script: Multiple Regression 

What can go wrong and how do I fix it?

Lecture: Regression Warnings

Lecture: Multicollinearity & Heteroscedasticity

What Else can I do?

Lecture: Interaction effects